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Our address is: Victoria Park, London, E2 0NN



07598 920 922

Nekter24 Subscriptions

With the world opening up again Nekter24 is moving out of Zoom world and into reality. The same basic model applies - a quarterly subscription for either 6 or 12 bottles, but now with planned in person real life events to meet a winemaker!

Nekter24 is where you will find some of our most exclusive allocations and most in demand wines snapped up by sommeliers at places like Noble Rot, The Clove Club, Ynyshir, Mana, L’Enclume, Alchemilla and the Fat Duck as well as some of London’s finest wine bars.

Our first planned in-person event will happen in November (subject to final confirmation) and will feature the first ever Nekter vertical of one of our favourite wines from 4 different vintages! Some of these are likely the last bottles in the world. Nekter24 members will get priority access for this event.

Nekter24 brings a number of additional benefits … a 15% discount across all the wines on the website … as well as access to wines which are either exclusive to the box or only available on restaurant allocation. Due to the availability of these exclusive wines Nekter24 will be limited to 24 participants of each case. The cases costs £160 for the 6 bottles listed and £300 for a dozen bottles (two of each). Each case is priced with a minimum of 15% discount versus retail price.

Please contact us on to enquire about availability and payment details.

Q3 2021 list.png